Women's Group

The women of  the club also plan and organize their own events. These may include shopping trips, lunches, parties, plays, etc. All the women in the club are invited to join in.

Sunseekers - Aug 2024

FM Don's - Sept 2023

August 2023 - Lunch at 1951

March 2023 - Happy Birthday Wanda

Lunch at Leroy's - July 2022

Lunch at Los Mariachis in Punta Gorda

Lunch at Ichi's

Painting and Wine at the Visual Arts Center

The Riviera - March 2022

Lunch at Hurricane Charlies - Feb 2022

Lunch at Ken and Barb's in Englewood - April 2021

The lousy weather did not deter the women from their monthly lunch.

Lunch at Riviera's - April 2021

After a long Covid dry spell, the women were able to get out and enjoy a luncheon once again.

Lunch at Carmelo's - July 2019

Punta Gorda Elkettes Tea Party - March 2019

Lunch at Farlow's - Nov 2018

The June Tea Party